IsoBourse is designed to help traders and investors find out valid opportunities on stocks, currencies and commodities by introducing an innovative and effective tool to better understand and invest in the financial markets. Technical analysis includes many different indicators and aims at forecasting future market action (trend, volatility, momentum, cycles, strength, support, resistance, etc.).
Depending on fad, market action, psychology and personal taste, traders and investors do not follow the same technical indicators and then do not follow the same signals.
More than hundred trading rules based on technical indicators have been analyzed and included to calculate IsoBourse Pressure, which can be described as a meta-indicator. An individual technical indicator may work well for some time and becomes less useful six months or a year later. The strength of IsoBourse Pressure lies in its ability to “smooth” and "compensate" the sometimes adverse or erratic moves of each of these indicators individually. IsoBourse Pressure always represents a clear and synthetic view of market action.